Elevate Your Being, Embrace Your Authentic Self

Embodiment, alignment, intention.

I offer tools grounded in yogic teachings to empower individuals to become the best version of themselves. Through the practices of embodiment, alignment, and intention, I can guide you on a transformative journey, helping you drop into your heart (and out of your head), operate authentically and live with purpose 🤍

My Story

I was born in Michigan and truly raised throughout the Midwest, attending the University of Michigan (graduating in 2011 with a degree in Economics) and then moving to Chicago, where I spent the next 9 years working in Advertising. The Midwest is where many friends & most family call home, it’s where I hold some of my dearest memories and the place where my personal value system is rooted. But it also holds some of my darkest times, and is the place where I ultimately hit rock bottom in July 2019.

In February of this year, I will be celebrating 4 years of sobriety from alcohol - a substance I turned to to help numb the pain caused by the house of lies I found myself living in. I will also be celebrating 4 years of living in Santa Barbara - a place that has truly taught me what it feels like to be in love. I crash landed here on February 18th, 2020, on the run from a now ex-husband and desperately in search of somewhere where I could pause, feel safe & ultimately begin my recovery journey. I had no idea the state would shut down in just a few weeks, giving me the opportunity to really settle in and start to imagine what a new life could actually look like…

And here I stand, 4 years later, and I can say with full confidence, from a place of genuine and deep love for myself (a love I truly never thought imaginable), that I have finally become the version of myself I dreamt of when I was so dark and so low. In that time, I’ve spent time in stillness, sitting alone with myself. I’ve also stretched far & wide, by literally circling the globe in order to expand my horizons and start to shift my perspective. I’ve sought out healers in the jungles of Bali, plant medicine guides in the Sacred Valley of Peru & breathwork masters on the beaches of Portugal. I’ve sought every experience that called out, to try to mend my own cracks and have seen the beauty in sharing my experience with others in hopes of supporting their own healing efforts. Through my recovery journey & personal experience, I believe I have found my calling;

To be someone who can live in service of others. To share my own experience to help give people the tools they need to become the best version of themselves.

This website is intended to be a tool for me to help you along the way. I’ll work to provide resources, recommendations, tips & tracks and links to things I love.
Full Disclosure - as someone who used to manage the development of million-dollar websites, my bar is so high for work in this space, and coming forward in this way feels really in alignment, but also truly terrifying. But one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that doing the things that deeply scare you can result in the most deeply rewarding outcomes, so here I am 🤍

I’m excited to watch this site evolve & grow alongside me, as I continue to evolve & grow into this beautiful next stage of my life.



35-Hour Trauma Aware Breath Coach Training | The Whole Health Project | Online

200-Hour Mystical Hatha | School Yoga Institute | Uluwatu, Bali

80-Hour Yoga Sculpt | Corepower | Santa Barbara, CA

200-Hour Power Yoga | Corepower | Santa Barbara, CA


Reiki Practitioner Level 1 | Darren Marc | Santa Barbara, CA

Molchanovs Freediving Level 1 | Apneista Diving | Amed, Bali

WPA Class 1 | World Paddle Association | Marina Del Ray, CA

AHA CPR | American Red Cross | Marina Del Ray, CA


Weekly In-Person

During the week, you can find me at the following yoga studios located in downtown Santa Barbara:

Rise Up Morning Yoga Flow
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:30am-8:30am
Start your day on the right note with this invigorating morning class, designed to wake up the mind & body in an intentional and purposeful way. We'll greet the day as a community, as we gently stretch into and connect with our bodies. This class is designed to get you to feel into your physical body, free your busy mind and put you in the right headspace to take on your day as the best version of yourself. 

Candlelight Yinyasa
Sundays: 5:00pm-6:15pm
What will you experience in this class?
Yin = longer, deeper holds on the floor, with the intent of calming the mind & stretching the body.
Yasa = the fun, flow-y part of class, where we sync breath to light movement and connect the mind & body.
The intent of class is to provide a safe space where you can practice mindfulness and take a journey inward to get to know yourself on a deeper level, to learn how to live without judgment. By taking this time, we are better equipped to show up for others and walk through life as the best versions of ourselves.

Power Yoga Flow
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00am-7:00am
We start slow and gentle to warm up the body and get it ready to move into a dynamic flow where we integrate breath with movement in a playful dance of Yoga postures. Learn the importance of proper foundation and alignment through the experience of somatic (relating to the body, distinct from the mind) sensing. Most importantly, this class is about showing up, letting go and discovering joy. 🔥 heated 90-100°


Private sessions

I offer private sessions and am happy to come to your residence or recommend a special space somewhere in town based on your unique needs.

Wellness Concierge

I’ve dedicated the past 4 years to searching the world and my hometown to seek out different healers & healing modalities to help me on my own recovery journey. I now stand ready to share some of my most trusted resources with you all. Whether you are coming to SB for a long weekend and are in need of a Health & Wellness itinerary for you and your friends, or if you are a local who is seeking more strategic and aligned connection in your own backyard, I am here to listen to your needs and help develop a path forward to get you to your goals.

Get In Touch

✨Lokah Samastah Sukinho Bhavantu✨
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words & actions of my life contribute to that happiness and that freedom for all.